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I love to sing. And I love to sing lullabies to my kids. I sing to them every night. When my oldest was born, I would rock and sing her to sleep every night. We both loved that time together, and it became my favorite time of day with my new babies. Music has always helped calm my babies down, and helped them sleep.

Back when my oldest was a baby, I remember trying to google good lullabies. I usually sang songs from my favorite movies or from church, but I just wanted more variety. And I couldn’t find a great list of lullabies anywhere. So today, I’m sharing the lullabies I’ve loved over the years to maybe help you mix up your lullabies too, so you don’t have to sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” again. Hopefully you find a fun lullaby that you and your children love!

“I’ll Take You Dreaming” By Danny Kaye

One of my husbands favorite movies is The Court Jester. It’s such a good, fun movie, and even my kids love it. My favorite part of the movie is the music. All the songs in the movie are so fun and beautiful (and Danny Kaye is incredible). This is a lullaby Danny Kaye sings to the baby royal heir in the beginning of the movie. It’s just long enough to let my kids cool down and relax, but it’s not too long that I get bored.

“You’ve Got A Friend In Me” by Randy Newman

We have a couple Toy Story lovers in our house, and this is a top choice for them. I started singing this one because my son kept asking for a Buzz Lightyear lullaby at bedtime, and this was the best I could come up with. He loved it and asks for this one multiple times a week. If you also have Toy Story lovers in your family, try this lullaby tonight.

“Hushabye Mountain” by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

You might have noticed that we really like to show our kids the “older” movies and shows that we’ve always loved. And one of those is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. My kids LOVE Chitty Chitty Bang Bang right now. I catch them singing the “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” song or “Truly Scrumptious” while playing all the time. There are so many great songs from the movie. Including a lullaby. “Hushabye Mountain” is a sweet lullaby, and it isn’t too long either. If you or your kids also love this movie, this is the perfect lullaby to add to your list!

“A Lovely Night” from Rodger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella

I LOVE Cinderella! All the Cinderella movies. But my favorite is the Cinderella from 1997 with Brandy and Whitney Houston. I mean, those two women really blew it out of the water on those songs. I grew up watching it often, and know all the songs by heart. So when I was rocking my first baby to sleep late at night, I frequently sang through many of the songs from this movie. As my daughter has gotten older, “A Lovely Night” became one of her favorites. She calls it the “Princess Song.”

Some of the other songs from the movie that we love and sing at night are “In My Own Little Corner” and “Impossible.”

“Leave Her Johnny” Sea Shanty

I can’t make a list of fun lullabies without mentioning a sea shanty. There are a few that I love to sing, but I just added this one to our rotation. There are so many beautiful and fun sea shanties. Even “Drunken Sailor” would be fun for a lullaby. And let’s be honest, sea shanties are beyond fun to sing, so why not add one to your bedtime routine?

I hope this list helps you find some fun songs to sing at bedtime. And if you’re looking for another fun bedtime tradition, check out my post from a couple months ago on the 3 questions I ask my kids as I tuck them in at night. Be sure to add any fun lullabies you sing in the comments!

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