get to know me

Hi, I’m Emily

I’m a blogger, photographer, mom to three fun kids, and wife to the best guy.

I help burnt out, stay at home moms find peace, love and joy in motherhood.

As a mom, there have been times when I put all my time an energy into my family, and nothing in myself. I found myself always wishing for more. Always thinking that once my baby slept better, I’d be happy. Or once we made more money, I’d be happy. Maybe once the kids were in school, I’d have time for the hobbies I used to enjoy. Etc. (spoiler alert: I was never happy, and it was never enough).

Now I’m finding joy in the here and now. In the messy toddlers and sleepless babies. In the sticky fingers and constant diaper changes. And I’m sharing it here with you, so maybe we can find joy together.

Facts about me

Favourite Drink

Dr Pepper

Favourite Music Genre


Favourite Singer

Toby Keith

Favorite Team



Photography, Singing & Exercise

Current FAvorite Book

Hunt, Gather, Parent

About my blog

In early 2021, we decided to move across the country from Utah to Cleveland. Shortly after making that decision, we found out I was pregnant with our 3rd baby! Moving away from friends and family in the middle of my pregnancy was not easy at all.

After moving and welcoming our 3rd baby, I really felt a bit lost. We had moved away from my friends and family and the area I loved. I didn’t know many people my age or in the same season of life as me in our new city, and my husband’s job keeps him pretty busy. I often felt lonely and overwhelmed as a mom. I’m still a work in progress, but I’m learning to branch out, do more for me, and love my life in the here and now.

For years, I have loved the idea of blogging as a creative outlet for me. I was always too scared and insecure to start. But in late 2022, I finally convinced myself to go for it. Now, I love blogging and wish I with I started earlier.