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I love the sunshine. And I love warm weather. But I also live in Cleveland. And in the winter here, there isn’t much sun, and it’s so cold.

Our first winter here was HARD for me. It wasn’t even the weather necessarily, and in fact, everyone told me that that winter was mild compared to a typical winter. But I had 3 young kids (including a newborn), my husband worked a lot, and we only had one car. So I spent majority of that winter feeling pretty trapped in our house with young kids and postpartum hormones. And it got worse through the holidays as I was away from family who were celebrating together.

But this winter I’m determined to feel better! I wanted to share with you a few things I’m doing this year to beat the winter blues. And make winter a little brighter here in Cleveland. Be sure to also chat with your doctor if you are feeling any kind of winter blues. Seasonal Affective Disorder is experienced by about 6 percent of the population, and another 14 percent experience the winter blues. This is something that a lot of people feel, and I think it’s important to talk about these things including what helps and doesn’t help. If it can help one person feel better, then it is worth it to share.

Happy Light

These are actually called light therapy or vitamin D lights. But my mom always called them “Happy Lights.” My mom has a big vitamin d box light that she’s had for years. And growing up, she would turn it on in the early mornings while we got ready for school. Last winter, I got one for our family and I really feel it helped. I would turn it on in the mornings before my kids got up for the day while I read.

My mom has a huge one, and it’s amazing. But I got this small one for us, and I think it works great as well. If you haven’t had one before, just know that the light is VERY bright. I like this small one because it does have a few different brightness levels.

Light A Candle Everyday

I don’t know about you, but candles make me so happy! A good seasonal candle makes my home feel cozy and welcoming. And for some reason, it also makes me extra motivated to get things done.

If you’re not a candle lover, try a diffuser. I love my plant therapy diffuser, especially when the winter illnesses are spreading like crazy or when I’m just feeling tired of my current candles. Sometimes I put my diffuser on my nightstand while I sleep, because it seems to also help when my room is dry in the winter. Another great thing about the diffuser is that you can change up the oils for a new scent everyday depending on your mood. I have an older version of the plant therapy diffuser, but their newer versions are so beautiful.

Get Dressed Everyday

Do you also find it so much harder to get dressed in the winter than it is in the summer. On cold days in the winter, I am not at all motivated to change out of my cozy sweats on the days we aren’t going anywhere. Or I just wear leggings and a t-shirt everyday. But getting dressed can really boost your mood and productivity. For a week, try setting out clothes each night to change into in the morning and see if it helps you. Later this month, I’ll be sharing some winter capsule wardrobe ideas for stay at home moms.

Take Time For Yourself Each Morning

I’m not here to tell you that you need to wake up at 5 am and conquer the world before your kids wake up to be productive. (Doesn’t it feel like all the books and Instagram ‘boss babes’ want you to do that?) There have been times in my life that I did wake up super early to get a head start on my day before the kids got up. And it was great. But I’m just not in that season of life right now, and if I tried it now I’d just be tired and grumpy for the rest of the day. And if you’re in a similar season right now, it’s okay to slow down and sleep in.

That doesn’t mean that we can’t still have a few minutes to myself before the day starts. I like to spend 15-20 minutes washing my face, brushing my teeth, lighting a candle, starting some tea or hot chocolate. Whatever I want! Sometimes I can even squeeze in a couple minutes of reading.

My older kids are now able to open their own door and come out of the room in the mornings, so it’s been tricky to find a way to keep them busy and safe while I have some time alone each morning. So if you have tricks for that, please share in the comments! I usually give them a small snack or drink, and send them back to their room to play. But that doesn’t always work great. Maybe I need to try an ‘OK to Wake Clock.’

Get Outside

Depending on your kids, sometimes getting outside in the cold and snow is just one big hassle, right? Trying to convince my 3 year old that he actually does need to wear pants outside is basically my full time job right now. And then there are the days that we get all bundled just to rush from the house to the car, or the car to the store to keep warm. But getting outside and getting natural light is so good for you (even when it is overcast outside). Not only does the natural light fight off the winter blues, but it can improve your sleep and give you a vitamin D boost.

For most of us, it’s so easy to spend lots of time outside in the summer. But getting out in the winter is a bit more inconvenient. At our house, we like to bundle up for walks, play in the yard, or even just park further away at the store so we have a longer walk. And if you are still craving more light, be sure to open the curtains and let as much natural light as possible into the house. I love sitting by the window in the natural light while I work each day.

I really hope these tips help you get through the winter blues. Winter can be hard. Please share in the comments below what you’re doing to thrive this winter. Your suggestions could help me and other moms! And just as I mentioned before, be sure to check in with your doctor if you are feeling any sort of seasonal depression.

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