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Any other moms out there listening to audio books all day? I spend all day with one earbud in with an audio book going. I’ve even started switching out my music for audio books during my workouts. I’m always searching for more good book recommendations. And I know a lot of moms make new years resolutions to read a certain number of books each year. So today, I’m sharing the books I read/listened to in 2022 and loved. Please share in the comments below what you read and what you recommend I read in 2023.

Libby is my go to for books. With the Libby app, you can borrow library books through your library. They have both audio books and ebooks. So, you can support your local library and read books for free. Just like borrowing from the library, you may only borrow the book for a few weeks and you may have to wait on a waitlist for someone else to return the book first. The app will show you where you are on the waitlist and about how long they expect the wait to be. If a book is unavailable through Libby or I just don’t want to wait a long time to borrow it, I’ll get the book on Audible. I’ll leave Amazon links for each book, but always check with your library first so you can support them!

M is For Mama by Abbie Halberstacht

This book is a must for any Christian mom. I have followed Abbie on Instagram for a couple years now, and I just love her personality and mindset of motherhood. I loved this book. And I loved that she shares how to shift our perspective of motherhood to the way the Lord sees it. Abbie shares a lot of scriptures and action steps throughout as well. My only regret is that I bought this on audible, and I wish I got the hardcover version instead so I could go back and reference it easily. I am definitely going to be ordering the physical copy of this one to keep in my nightstand.

Abbie has a new book out called Hard Is Not The Same Thing As Bad. I haven’t had a chance to read this one yet, but I’ve only heard amazing reviews.

You’re Not Enough (And That’s Okay!) by Allie Beth Stuckey

Okay, the title might sound harsh. But don’t pass up this book. This is another great book for Christian women. I’m actually listening to this one for the second time now. It’s a quick listen, but is packed with so much goodness. The author shares how we are not enough, and no amount of “self love” will ever make us feel whole. And that is why we need Christ in our lives. He makes up the difference. This is such a great book! For all my fellow LDS moms, the author is Christian but there were a few things she shared that weren’t really inline with LDS doctrine. This didn’t bother me much, and there really was only one chapter that was off. I still think the book had very valuable insight!

Essentialism by Greg Mckeown

A friend recommended this book to me years ago, and I just never got around to reading it until this year. This book was so good. Especially in today’s world, it is so easy to be constantly connected to work and can be hard to turn that off. If you struggle to find a balance between everything going on in life, this is a must read. One thing I really loved about this book was the author sharing examples of how to set those clear boundaries when it comes to your priorities.

Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff

This book was so interesting to me! The author, Michaeleen had a career that took her all over the world, seeing parents that didn’t struggle with a lot of the issues western parents were struggling with. When she became a mom, she took her 3 year old daughter with her to visit Maya families, Inuit families and Hadzabe families to learn more about how they have been parenting for generations, and to find new ways to help her parent her daughter. I loved hearing of the experiences that she had, and the takeaways she shares. This is another book that I’m listening to again and again, and I’ll probably also be getting the physical copy of this one.

The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr Oscar Serrallach

If you’re a mom, you need to read this book! This author is a doctor who helps mom suffering from postnatal depletion. I listened to this one as an audio book, but I would recommend the physical copy over an audio book. There was so much information provided that I would have liked to read it through slowly at my own pace, or reread some sections. I had three babies in 4 years, and after my 3rd I felt pretty terrible mentally. This book really helped me understand why I was feeling the way I was feeling. And gave me more insight into what I needed to do to help myself recover physically and mentally from pregnancy and birth.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This is one of those books that I’ve heard of, but never read. I actually own the book, but after several moves, I can never remember where it is when I am ready to start a new book. So, I borrowed it on Libby instead. This is such a good one! I can’t believe it took me this long to read it. If you haven’t already, read this! Within the first half hour of listening I kept thinking “Why didn’t I read this book years ago?” When I started the book, I thought that a lot of the ideas would be more helpful in business, but now I really think it is something you can and should implement in your day to day interactions.

Hopefully this list helped you find your next read. When I decided to sit down and write this post, I thought I’d have maybe 2-3 to share. But once I pulled up the Libby and Audible apps to double check what I had read, I realized that just about every other book I read was amazing. I could have shared so many more, but I won’t overwhelm you today. Tell me in the comments below what you’re reading, and what you think I should read next!

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2 responses to “Books I Read (And Loved) in 2022”

  1. […] books on Audible or the Libby app. I’ve talked about the Libby app before in my post about books I loved in 2022. It’s such a great app, and a great way to support your library. You can borrow ebooks and […]

  2. […] but you can set it to not auto renew if you just want the free trial. Then check out this post or this post for some great book […]

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