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If you know me in person, then you probably know that I am a homebody. I love being home. I love having no plans. In fact, every couple months I tell my husband, “Isn’t it so cool that I get to be a stay at home mom and I have literally no where to be. I get to just go and do whatever I want or stay home if I want.”

Well, the downside to being such a homebody is that I really struggle to take my kids to cool places. I feel a lot of anxiety about being out in a public place with my kids, all by myself. So I really work hard to push myself and find ways to become more comfortable and confident in those outings. One way that helps me is to do regular easy outings. These are ways that we can still get out of the house and have a change of scenery, but I can feel more confident that my kids are safe. Today, I am sharing 8 ways that you and I can get our families out of the house, with little to no stress.

1. Go For A Walk

I love walks! Being outside just boosts everyone’s mood, and I love the chance to get our bodies moving. We have a double stroller to keep two of the kids contained. Then either the baby rides in the baby carrier, or my oldest rides her bike alongside me. While we walk, we love to play “I Spy” or tell knock knock jokes. If my husband is home and can come along, we take the double stroller, and the single stroller, and we race through the neighborhood. Luckily we also live close enough to stores, schools, libraries and restaurants, so we can sometimes get some extra errands done while we walk.

On days that we are all feeling a bit grouchy and the weather is nice enough, a walk is my go to outing. It really does wonders to brighten our moods.

2. A Small Park

Okay, I always say that I am not a park mom. I hate the park. My kids are young so majority of the parks are hard for them to navigate alone. And then there are all these HUGE parks now that look so cool, but they make my anxiety go through the roof trying to keep my kids safe and within my eyesight at all times.

But I have found 2 or 3 small parks that are just right for my kids. It took some research and asking around to find these, but now I’m so glad I did. One of our favorites is a small park with equipment geared more towards preschool age kids. It’s not very busy, and it’s shaded! There is a big field right next to the playground too, so my kids have plenty of room to run. How amazing, right? Another favorite of ours is a medium sized park, but the entire playground is gated. There is only one entrance/exit so that helps me feel better about my kids safety. Ask around in mom groups or even google, even if you feel like you’re looking for a unicorn for your area. You might be surprised what you can find!

3. The Drive Thru

Listen, The Busy Toddler on Instagram says that the Starbucks drive thru counts as an outing. And I agree. You know those moments where you just need your kids to sit still for two seconds so you can breath. Well, the car seat is going to come in handy. One of our cars also has a tv, so I can turn on a movie, go through the drive thru for a drink, snack or meal and everyone is happy. Sometimes we take a drive through the Cleveland Metroparks afterwards. And while the kids eat and watch a show, I can actually hear myself think for a minute. This outing has probably saved me more times than I could count during some of my most stressful seasons of life.

4. Libraries

Libraries are the coolest! I remember my mom taking us to the library as kids regularly. And to this day I have no idea how she took 7 kids to the library but she did. We have so many libraries near us, and each has a super cool kids area. They each have several story times through out the week we can participate in, but we mostly just go play. If we check out any books, I always take a picture of the books when we get to the car so I can easily reference back what needs to be checked back in when it’s time. Our local library also offers programs like ABC Mouse that your kids can use on the computers there. Check with your local library to see what they have to offer. And if your library doesn’t have much right now, keep supporting them and showing up! That can help them receive more funding to put into better facilities, books, and programs.

5. McDonalds or Chick-Fil-A Play Place

I know, another fast food option. But a friend of mine gave me this idea, and it is so smart. You can get lunch for you and the kids. Then they can play and get all their energy out. Then head back home for naps for everyone. I have a friend who does this with her kids at least once a month and she loves that she can sit back and let them play independently and she says her kids nap great afterwards! Be sure to check around first to make sure the play area is open, as many businesses closed them during 2020.

Now that my youngest is getting better at climbing and playing independently, I’m gonna have to keep this idea in mind!

6. Rec Center

Rec Centers offer so much! Check out the website for your local rec center to see if anything fits in your needs. We have a couple rec centers around us that offer open play for toddlers, kid care or indoor playgrounds. You could even sign them up for classes to get them moving.

7. Nature Centers

We love nature centers! My kids love looking at all the animals and they seem to always have cute things for the kids. We live in the Cleveland area, and the Cleveland MetroParks do such a great job keeping their centers fun for the kids. During the summer, they have story time outside and lots of kids activities. During the winter, they have indoor playgrounds and classes for kids. There are also trails around the nature centers that we love to walk anytime of year. One of our local nature centers also has a great pizza place next door, so we can visit and get lunch or dinner all at once.

If you are also in the Cleveland area, definitely take advantage of the Metroparks!

8. Play Dates

I know play dates can be tricky especially when you don’t know many people in your area. But I have started to love play dates. We have a friend from my daughters class who lives close by us. Our kids are the same age and have become close. So when we have play dates the kids keep each other entertained, and we can socialize. We have a great time and so do our kids. And getting to know another mom in my area, with kids the same age as mine has been really great for my mental health.

Be sure to share in the comments what outings you love, or tag me on Instagram! I can’t wait to see what (easy) adventures you and your kids take!

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One response to “Easy Outings with Young Kids”

  1. […] forget to also check out my list of easy outings with kids from a few months ago! I shared some of the east outings that we love in our family! I hope these […]

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